nScan monitoring system enables real-time monitoring of all signaling messages transported over selected interfaces of the Mobile Telecommunication Network (PLMN). Monitored messages are captured, decoded, analyzed and correlated with other messages at the various levels of signaling transactions. In addition, system generates a rich set of statistics based directly on these messages from all the completed transactions. Supports RAN monitoring for 2G, 3G and LTE
Call Tracing
Calls can be analysed both in tabular and graphical formats.
Calls can be traced based on localization (region->project->BSC/RNC->cell), terminal or user identity (IMEI, IMSI, TMSI), selected transaction parameters (termination cause, type of transaction, etc.) or specific events like unsuccessful HO.
All messages are fully decoded up to the field level; all messages are also shown in hex format.

Performance Analyser
With Performance Analyser user can analyse statistics collected for all nodes and group of nodes, terminals, terminal vendors, etc. It provides various ways to visualise data, including tables and graphs, bar charts, pie charts, stack bars and more. User can choose ready-to-use “thematic windows” with predefined drill-down path as well as create their own dashboards.

ROAMING Analyser
International Roaming services are vital contributors to MNO revenue. A well-functioning roaming network with bi-lateral agreements helps to differentiate by offering a better experience to national and international roamers.
nScan Roaming Analyser is a dedicated module to visualise and analyse performance of services offered in our network to subscribers from other networks and our subscribers in other networks. All aspects of roaming traffic, including inbound / outbound, voice, SMS and data can be monitored and analysed with this powerful tool.

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+48 22 424 70 01